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Our Vision

Our Vision

Some Words From Us.

As this year draws to a close we have done some reflection on our journey and our growth over the past 9 months. Right at the beginning of we set out our philosophy and our reasons for why we are doing it. Looking back now we are glad that we have stuck to what we have set out to do. Along the way we have learned many new things and have a much better picture of what we hope to achieve and we want to share our vision with the most important people – you and your pets.

Quality and Price.

Premium quality is such a loaded phrase. It means itā€™s really good but itā€™s also probably priced quite high! Affordable is also similarly tainted. Means cheap but you probably get what you paid for. Premium quality at affordable prices is a overused cliche but still many use it.

Here at we rather focus on two special words that means a lot to us.

Exceeding Expectations.

In everything we do, we are constantly striving to exceed expectations, be it customer service, product quality, product prices or website & shopping experience.We donā€™t like to talk about prices because we believe our prices speak for themselves. As we grow larger and enjoy more cost savings through the scaling up of our production and logistics, our prices will be even more competitive.

Every single day, every packet of treats, chew or broth we make, we are trying to give our pets the best that we can do. As fresh as it can possibly be done. And over time, from the reviews and feedback our customers give, we hope that our quality will also speak for itself.

Our Vision.

Currently, as a small home business, we hope to deliver treats and products that are on par, if not even better, in quality, than what the big players can do. In the future, as we grow, we aim to remain as close to our customers as the smallest home business, building on the relationships that we have forge and serving a community that we can help to nurture and support.

We would love to hear from you anytime and you know how to reach us.
Thank you for your sup-paw-t! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you and your fur-mily!

Much love,

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Shipping Information

Shipping updates


Your order usually takes 2-3 working days to prepare. We will always give you an estimated date of shipping after your order has been paid for. The order will reach you between 0-5 working days after shipping depending on your choice of delivery method.


If your order contains any backorders or items out of stock, we will notify you on the estimated timeframe for delivery. We will also update you once we have a definite or more accurate date of delivery.

Delivery Methods

We are pleased to offer these shipping options:

  1. SingPost Normal Mail – $2.00
    • Delivery is usually 3-5 working days after shipping.
  2. Courier – $3.90
    • Delivery is usually 1-2 working days after shipping.
  3. Same Day Courier – $9.90
    • This does not mean your shipment gets to you on the same day as your order as we still need time to prepare your order!
    • Delivery is usually same day as shipping.
    • This is the only delivery option for orders containing bone broths.

Contact us via Whatsapp or IG if you need any more information or help regarding your order.

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Seafood Superfood for Our Pets

Seafood is a wonderful supplement to pet’s diet because it contains different nutrients from the usual food that we feed our pets. One example is Omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Seafood is choked-full of Omega-3 fatty acids, which has many health benefits for our pets.

Omega-3 fatty acids is not produced by the body and must be taken in the diet. It decreases inflammation in their body (good for their joints), promotes good skin and coat, strengthens the heart, and boosts our petā€™s immune system.

In fact, Omega-3 has been shown to be beneficial to dogs (and also humans) with pancreatitis. Omega-3 lowers the blood lipid levels and suppresses inflammation of the pancreas.

Salmon skin

If you have ever taken a look at a slab of salmon, you will see that most of the fats are beneath the skin. While we generally avoid feeding our dogs fatty food, the fats from salmon is high in Omega-3 and is good for our dogs. Our preparation method retains all these Omega-3 oils so our dogs can benefit while enjoying the treats.


Shishamo is a fatty smelt that has a higher proportion of Omega-3 goodness your dog will love. It is also an excellent source of calcium, selenium, and Vitamin Bs (Vit B-12, Thiamin, Niacin, Riboflavin). Selenium is a critical mineral in the functioning of your pet’s immune system, while Vitamin Bs are important in many aspects of your pet’s health, from the nervous system to the brain, to the metabolism etc.

Green-lipped mussels

Another superfood for our pets! Green-lipped mussel (“GLM”) contains nutrients such as:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Vitamins and minerals such as zinc, copper, iodine, and manganese among others
  • Amino acids
  • Antioxidants
  • Glucosamine and chondroitin

In particular, GLM has been shown to be highly effective for arthritis. The nutrients “act synergistically to reduce inflammation and pain, to limit further cartilage degeneration and, potentially, to support the regeneration of damaged joint cartilage and synovial fluid.

Frog legs

Technically not a “sea”food, but a novel protein that is low in fat. If your dog loves chicken or duck feet but is allergic to poultry, try frog legs!

Frog leg is rich in protein and potassium, and yet has only half the calorific value of chicken by weight. What a healthy snacc this makes!

Sea superfood your pet will love

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Benefits of Feeding Turmeric to Our Dogs and What to Take Note of

Benefits of Turmeric for Dogs

While some ingredients are purported to be beneficial to dogs based on its effects on humans, turmeric has been proven to be beneficial to dogs and also cats based on actual studies done on them.

The magical active ingredient in turmeric is actually curcumin. Curcumin is anti-inflammatory and an anti-oxidant. Because of its qualities, it can help our dogs with a variety of health conditions such as osteoarthritis, stomach irritations, skin allergy, and even cancer.

Reducing the inflammation in osteoarthritis is especially important because the inflammation makes the joints swell, causing more pain for our dogs.

Not All Turmeric Treats are Created Equal

Hang on! Don’t rush out to get just any turmeric treats yet. Do you know, there are special considerations to ensure your dog reaps all the benefits of turmeric?

Ensure Absorption of Turmeric

The active ingredient of turmeric, Curcumin, is difficult for our pets to absorb. Curcumin is insoluble in water. If simply consumed, it will just pass out from your pet’s body without any benefits at all!

There are two ways for curcumin to be better absorbed – we can either mix the turmeric with black pepper or with oils (curcumin is fat-soluble).

We chose the option of adding turmeric to slightly fattier cuts of meat to help our pets absorb the curcumin. Black pepper can cause stomach upset in our pets and is better reserved for humans in our curry.

We are also sure your pet very much prefer yummy meats than spicy black pepper!

Recommended Feeding of Turmeric

Due to the potency of turmeric, too much of it is counter-effective to the health of our pets. Turmeric is a blood thinner and can cause bleeding issues in our dogs if fed excessively. Also, it can cause constipation in our pets.

Too little of turmeric however, means that there would be insufficient curcumin in our pets’ body to be effective.

We have made it easy for pet owners to feed turmeric to their pets – just feed them the turmeric treats. We should spread the treats throughout the day, because curcumin, when absorbed, is metabolised quickly in the body.

If your pet is taking any medications, please consult your vet before feeding your pet turmeric because of possible drug metabolism inhibition.

Our Turmeric Treats are Simply Better

We put our hearts into creating healthy yummy treats that are are based on science and nutrition, because we too are pet owners. We want our pets to be healthy, happy, and strong.

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How to Prepare Your Human to Go Back to Work Again

Miss my dog so much at work

Dear Fellow PawFrens,

The time has now come for our humans to gradually return to work (to earn more treats for us) with Phase 2 beginning this Friday. Our humans will have a lot of separation anxiety being away from us at work, while we are just a little overjoyed at having the whole house (to run free!) again. But don’t let our humans know this. We doggos need to appear as loyal companions so that we continue to get treats.

To help your humans adapt being away from us, here are what we doggos need to do:

Help your human set his phone wallpaper to your face

We all know how needy the humans are. They’ll miss us and need to see our cute faces everywhere! If your human’s phone wallpaper is not already set to your picture (silly human!), we should help them to set it before they go back to work. Trust me, they are gonna be much more motivated to work when they are reminded of why they are working so hard for.

Request for a home camera so that the humans can stay connected with us

Humans are always wondering what we doggos are doing at home, and if we are upset they are away? Well, we need a home camera now to show them we are (kinda) moping their absence the whole day! We need to make the humans feel a little guilty about leaving us behind. Y’know, it’s all about the treats.

Request for some big yummy chews to occupy our time

We have too much fun tearing the house down or chewing our human’s favourite slippers when we are alone. Heehee! But this will drive our humans crazy if they are watching the home camera, and they won’t be able to concentrate at work to earn treats for us! Be the smart doggy and convince your human to get you some nice chews instead. Have yummy chew = good boy/girl!

Related read: Why my human feeds me pork skin chews

Show our humans all the love when they are back

Humans have such a tough time working long hours outside to bring home the bacon (treats) for us. They need to fight all the baddies (other bad humans) and they still have to cope with being away from us! Poor humans!

To make our humans feel appreciated, this is what we need to do: When we smell our humans near the door, make sure to sit by the door so that our humans sees us the moment they open the door. Then, wag our tails vigorously and bark “Finally you are back, human!”. Next, jump up to paw paw at them. This should be immediately followed by generous licks on their faces.

Don’t say I didn’t warn ya, your human will melt into a puddle and top up your dinner bowl immediately, bring you for a walk, and maybe feed you some delicious treats too šŸ˜‰

Your pawfren fureva,


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Anise Seed Treats – Perfect for Nose Work

Have you ever seen those viral videos of cats getting high on catnips? If you have not, here’s one just for laughs:

kitty high on catnip

Do you know that there is an “equivalent” of a catnip for dogs.. and it’s a common spice in our household?

I was pleasantly surprised to find out that dogs are excited by the scent of anise seed or aniseed. Part of the reason for our doggo’s obsession with anise seed is its unique sweet liquorice aroma.

And that is why anise seed has long been used as smell lures for hunting and racing dogs to trace and chase. While our cute doggos are no hunting or racing dogs, they will love games that tap on their strength of smell!

Dogs love, no, THRIVE in nose work

In fact, dogs who engage in nose work are happier dogs according to research. But we already know that, don’t we? When we bring our dogs on their daily walks, they really love smelling the neighbourhood and “reading” the secret messages left by their friends. The reason dogs enjoy smelling so much (much more than we do), is that while we have about six million olfactory receptors, dogs have about 300 million. We sniff once per second-and-a-half, and dogs, five to 10 times a second.

Just imagine, every sniff to a dog is like a beautiful sunset awashed in the most mesmerizing colours, in high-definition no less. Why, we would love sniffing as much too!

Using Anise Seed Treats for Nose Work

Because of aniseed’s distinct scent, and how much dogs love it, I use it in nose work with my dog.

One of the games we play require my dog to find the aniseed chicken jerky at easy-to-find places initially, and she gets to eat the chicken jerky as a treat. After she understood the concept of the game, I increase the difficulty of the game by hiding the chicken jerky at more obscure places and letting her sniff them out. She might take a longer time, but she always finds it!

Just don’t let your cute doggo trick you into playing the game forever. A few treats is fine, but too much aniseed treats could cause diarrhea and discomfort to dogs – much like how we have the runs when we have too much spicy food.

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What Is Air Dried Food?

Benefits of feeding your pet air dried food.

What happens to the food when it is air dried?

Moisture is removed through evaporation when food is air dried. Nutrients and enzymes present in the food is largely retained unchanged in the food. Bacteria and germs are killed as their water content is removed from their cells.

Because only water is removed from the food, the taste of the food remains the same or slightly enhanced because it is more concentrated. If your dog finds chicken tasty, your dog will definitely find air dried chicken yummi-licious. This has been confirmed by a wide ranging survey of dogs who have tried our air dried treats.

Easy to feed

Life is much easier for the pawrent with air dried food. No refrigeration required. Lightweight. Completely satisfies your petā€™s nutritional needs. Best food to pack for your dog on a trip out to the park. Sandwiches for the hooman(s) and air dried food for the doggo(s). Just remember to hydrate both hoomans and doggos with plenty of water!

Long storage life.

Without moisture, air dried food can be kept much longer than raw or cooked food, even at room temperature. No preservatives are necessary too. (My supervisor(a dog) stops me here from writing anymore because she says this paragraph is totally unnecessary in her view. ā€œKeeping treats? Hmmfp. Treats belong in tummy not in packet.ā€)

No mess involved.

Air dried treats are a joy to use for training because they do not mess up your hands when you handle them as you reward your dog after each successful completion. They are also lightweight and easily carried out for some outdoor training sessions.

Summary of benefits of air dried treats
Benefits of air dried treats for you and your dog
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Our Story And Philosophy

Like all first time pet owners, we were once ignorant and fed our furkid commercially mass produced treats. We just didnā€™t know any better then.

We were shocked to find out that commercial pet treats come with a long ingredient list of icky and bad stuff, mostly to extend the shelf life of the treats and reduce the cost of producing the treats. Thereā€™s a lot of research showing how all the artificial preservatives used in food production is negatively impacting the health and lifespan of humans and the same effects are seen on pets.

Our dog Nikko!

As pet owners, we want the best for our beloved companions and hope that they can live a long, healthy and joy(& treats) filled life. We at is here to help pawrents feed their furkids healthily with yummy treats.


Our philosophy is simple.

Single ingredient.

We try to use only the pure meats to make most of our treats. Every raw material we use is fit for human consumption – 100% human-grade raw meats. This way pawrents are sure that it is healthy and safe to consume for their furkids. The treats are also the most tasty and appealing to our furkids in this pure unadulterated form.

To make it even better.

If ingredients are added, the sole purpose is to add health benefits. We will also provide information on what kind of benefits these added ingredients bring about. Pawrents can choose whether it is appropriate for their furkids after reading the information provided.


No processed materials. If and when we use an ingredient, it will be direct from a natural source and not manufactured somewhere else. So that we can be confident about what is contained in our treats and pawrents can know exactly what they are feeding their furkids.

Always improving.

We will keep trying to bring your furkids tastier and healthier treats and help you as a pawrent to give your furkids what they deserve. A long, healthy and joy(& treats) filled life!

Looking forward to a long, healthy and joy(& treats) filled life!
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Should I Feed Liver To My Dog?

What are some of the benefits of feeding your dog pork or beef liver?

Liver is high in retinol (or vitamin A). Our dogs need vitamin A to have good skin and a thick shiny coat of fur. This will definitely boost their self esteem on their daily walks and make them the eye-candy amongst the neighbourhood doggies.

Vitamin A also supports muscular and neurological development. So they will not just be the stereotypical dumb blonde eye-candy but have the brains and the brawn to back up their beauty!

The Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) recommends that adult dog food provide 5000 IU of Vitamin A per kilogram of food.Ā 

It is a good source of folate (or Vitamin B9). Folate is a recommended essential supplement for pregnant females and puppies. It is necessary for normal metabolic functions such as DNA synthesis and red blood cell production.

10% of a dog’s diet should consist of offal like liver, spleen and tripe to provide your dog with a well rounded diet.

If you have a picky dog, feeding your dog the same food or kibbles everyday results in a unhappy pet. You can conveniently introduce variety to meals with our tasty liver treats. Easy and healthy way to perk up your dogā€™s mood.

Is Liver Good for Dogs?

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Why I Give My Dog Pork Skin Chews

If you take a walk in any pet supplies store, you will see that there are all kinds of chews for dogs – from synthetic nylon chew to rawhide to flavoured dental chews and dehydrated bones. My experience with these chews are that, either they are unsafe for our dogs, unhealthy (additives) or just so expensive.

In contrast, our pork skin chews are:

Highly digestible

I have learnt(and you should too) that we should always assume our dogs will try to chew and eat anything we give her. A while back, my dog chewed and swallowed big pieces of cloth from a cloth chew I made her. I was not aware of what she did until she vomited out some slimy cloth and also passed out some cloth in her poop. She continued to poop out big pieces of cloth for the next few days.

While it made for a funny story to share, I was both thankful and worried – thankful that she was fine, and worried that she might not be so lucky the next time. In some severe cases, surgery is needed for gastrointestinal obstruction.

Unlike synthetic nylon chews (which is not digestible at all) and rawhide (which is hardly digestible), pork skin chews are almost fully digested (~90%) after 24 hours in your dog’s stomach. In fact, in just 6 hours, pork skin chews were already 55% digested in your dog’s tummy while rawhide was only 7.6% digested.

Natural Goodness

Our pork skin chews are 100% natural.

No nasty chemicals found in that rawhide, or additives such as sodium hexametaphosphate (which is really harmful by the way). No added starch or gelatin etc. Just yummy natural digestible pork skin.

As much of the subcutaneous fats is removed as possible and the residual fats comes out as oils during the dehydration process.


Have you checked out the prices of dental chews before? I have:

The above are just some examples of dental chews and they cost between $1.50 to $2.10 per piece. Our pork skin chews are an absolute steal compared to those prices! My dog (see picture below), who has a PhD in Mathematics (specialising in treats evaluation), has done the maths for you and says she prefers to have 3 pork skin chews instead of one dental chew. Your dog might agree too since they all have the same PhD.

Give your dog a chew thatā€™s also a treat!

Nikko thinks your dog deserves yummy natural chews like her.